Can You Cut LED Light Strips To Size?

LED light strips are long, flexible circuits lined with LEDs that provide lighting. They are commonly used for interior and accent lighting. These light strips can often be cut precisely to fit any space, allowing for custom lighting solutions.

Have you ever wanted to add decorative string lights under your kitchen cabinets but found the options were either too long or too short? Or maybe you wanted to line the back of your TV with soft lighting but the light strip was just a bit too wide. With LED light strips, you have the power to customize the length yourself with a simple cut.

LED light strips are a great way to add lighting around the house these days. They bend and shape to fit all kinds of places. But sometimes the strips come a little too long or short. If that happens, no worries! You can easily cut them smaller with scissors. Trimming them to only the right size means the lights will fit perfectly where you need them.

When To Use LED Light Strips?

When To Use LED Light Strips?

LED light strips are really handy to have around the house. You can stick them under cabinets and shelves so you always have enough light while cooking or doing tasks. They’re great for putting under low cabinets too so you don’t bump your toes in the middle of the night.

You can even make rooms look neat by putting colors behind the TV or under the bed. When picking out strips, think about if you want plain white lights, colors that change, or really bright ones – depending on what you’ll use them for.

Where To Cut An LED Strip?​

If you want to make one of those flexible LED light strips shorter, it’s important to only cut it in one specific spot. Each little group of LED bulbs is connected together, and then each group connects to the next, if that makes sense. So you need to find the tiny gaps between each set of lights and only cut right across those empty parts.

I’d suggest bending the strip a bit to better see the spots I’m talking about. If you cut anywhere else, it could mess things up and some of the bulbs might stop glowing. So take your time and cut carefully between each cluster of LEDs for the best results.

Requirements Needed For Cutting LED Light Strips:

Requirements Needed For Cutting LED Light Strips:

Here are some main supplies needed for cutting LED light strips:

  • Sharp wire cutters or scissors
  • Ruler or tape measure
  • Electrical tape
  • Tweezers
  • Work surface
  • Optional: Magnifying glass

How To Cut LED Light Strips: Step-by-step​

Here is a step-by-step guide for cutting LED light strips in simple terms:

  1. Gather your supplies: You’ll need a pair of sharp wire cutters or scissors specifically designed for cutting flexible circuits. Electrical tape is also a must.
  2. Find your cutting location: Stretch out the light strip and locate the spaces between each light group. These are your cut points.
  3. Prepare to cut: Lay the strip flat on a stable surface. Take a moment to line up your cut right across the gap between two light sections.
  4. Make the cut: Use a swift, smooth snipping motion to cut through the strip. No need to bear down hard – sharp blades make it easy.
  5. Deburr the cut: Use tweezers to gently pinch and pull away any tiny clear or metal remnants from the cut point.
  6. Seal it up: Take a few inches of electrical tape and start wrapping it tightly around the cut end, covering and sealing the interior wiring from harm.
  7. Test before mount: Plug in your newly cut strip and check that all lights function properly before permanent installation. You’ve now customized the light strip length. Mount it and enjoy your perfect custom lighting solution.

How To Install LED Light Strips After Cutting Them?

  1. First, clean where you plan to stick the light strips. Wipe down the area with a tiny bit of soap and water. Let it air dry fully before moving on. For dirtier spots like the kitchen, use something stronger to scrub off any gunk first before rinsing clean.
  2. Once dry, find the end of the light strip with the clear sticky backing. Carefully peel it off and stick the strip down in the right location. Don’t forget to connect the other end to the power source.
  3. Give everything a double check that it’s on securely and lined up properly. Then plug it in and see the magic happen! The lights should glow.
  4. If not, check that all pieces click together nicely. You may need to cut a bit more off the strip if part of it isn’t lighting up. Just follow the cutting instructions carefully when trimming for best results. Then mount and enjoy your new custom lighting.

How To Bend An LED Strip?

How To Bend An LED Strip?

LED light strips are meant to flex easily so you can shape them however you need. There are a couple ways to curve them around furniture or the back of your TV. The simplest method is only bending the strip gently with your hands. But only flex it at the little lines marked along the plastic – that’s where it can fold without breaking. If you need to run the strip around a corner, like along kitchen counters, use a special L-shaped connector piece instead.

Slide the strip ends into each end of the connector and it will hold the 90-degree bend nicely. Connectors give a cleaner look than trying to force a sharp turn. Some light strips like Philips Hue are also “smart.” This means you can control their colors from an app on your phone or tablet, no matter how or where you placed the lights. You just need the Hue Bridge or Bluetooth depending on the strip. Now you can customize the mood lighting anywhere in your home with ease.


Will my LEDs break if I cut them?

It’s important to only cut an LED strip light at the marked points so it still glows properly after trimming. Cutting anywhere else risks messing up the connection between lights and could destroy the strip altogether. Follow the lines to safely customize the length.

How do you reuse leftover LED strips?

LED strips can be used again by reconnecting the wiring or adding a connector piece. Even though they don’t use much power, the strips need a certain voltage, usually 12 or 24 volts direct current, to light up properly. Connecting lets you reuse strips flexible.

How long do LED strips last?

LED strip lights usually last a long time, about 50,000 hours on average. But how long they really last depends on how well they were made and how you use them. If cared for properly, the strips could keep glowing continuously for around 6 years before needing replaced. With good care they’ll provide years of lighting.

Final Thoughts

Can You Cut LED Light Strips To Size? LED light strips are really handy to customize your lighting, but sometimes they come a little too long in the package. The good news is that with a few basic tools, it’s no problem to trim them down to the perfect size for your space.

only remember to only cut between the bulbs, clean the area well, securely stick it down, and double check everything works before calling it done. With some sharp scissors and a steady hand, you’ll be decorating with customized colored lights in no time. The options are endless for making any room just right.

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