What Light Is Best For My Backyard?

Lighting is an essential part of any backyard. It allows activities like gatherings or games to continue after dark while also providing safety and security. A starry night sky brings magic but darkness can also bring fear of what lurks unseen. Backyard lights banish shadows and let enjoyment continue when daylight fades. Yet with so many options—which lights are best? Read on for help in finding lights that light your backyard dreams.

Outdoor lights allow you to enjoy your backyard even after dark. They let friends and family continue playing into the evening. Security lighting also gives you peace of mind by illuminating the area at night. However, with so many options it can be hard to choose what’s best.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of lights available. Here we will also discuss factors to consider when choosing lights for your backyard. This guide will break down your choices and what to consider so you can pick fixtures perfectly suited to your outdoor space and needs.

Reasons: Why Do You Need Outdoor Lighting In Your Backyard

Reasons: Why Do You Need Outdoor Lighting In Your Backyard

Here are the main reasons on why outdoor lighting is needed in your backyard:

  • Let the fun continue after dark: Lights mean you and your family or friends can keep playing games, cooking out, or relaxing together even as night falls. No need to stop activities you enjoy just because the sun goes down.
  • Stay safe outside: It can be tricky to see well or notice hazards when it’s dark. Lights help you spot things on the ground and prevent falls or injuries. They also let you see anyone coming over.
  • Security and peace of mind: Lighting makes your backyard easier for you to see out of your home at night. It can deter bad guys from coming around too because they won’t want to be seen. The lights will help you feel safer and less worried.
  • It’s no fun when you have to go in: Lights extend the hours you can enjoy your yard. Without them you’d need to go inside much earlier, but lighting lets the fun continue for longer.
  • Guide your way: Whether going to the grill or to the yard, lights on paths and steps help you find your way and prevent tripping in the darkness. Everything is easy to navigate with a few lights.
  • Decorative lighting looks nice too: Subtle soft lights make your yard feel inviting and give it ambience, not just function. Lights can enhance your space beautifully too.

Things To Consider When Choosing Outdoor Lighting For Your Backyard

  • Durability: Outdoor lights have to put up with rain, wind and hot/cold weather. Check lights are made strong with durable materials meant to be outside. You want lights that don’t stop working fast.
  • Color of light: Lights also have a color temperature in Kelvin (K). Lower K like 2700-3000K looks cozy and warm. Higher K like 4000-5000K looks brighter. Pick the mood you prefer.
  • Brightness: Lights are measured in lumens. More lumens means brighter light. Choose based on your yard size and which areas you want to light.
  • Type of lights: There’s path lights, big floodlights, tiny string lights and more. Each is good for something different. Pick what works best for where you want light.

10 Backyard Lighting Ideas For A Gorgeous Glow:

Here are some main outdoor lighting optionsfor a forgeous glow:

  1. String Lights – String lights are a fun way to add a soft glow anywhere you want. You can hang them from trees, roof edges, fences or gazebos. Their twinkling lights will create a cozy atmosphere for chatting with friends long after dark.
  2. Path Lights – If you want visitors to be able to see where they’re walking at night, path lights are essential. Install them along sidewalks and walkways so nobody trips on their way to visit the backyard.
  3. Fire Pit – Gathering around an outdoor fire pit is one of the best ways to enjoy cool evenings. Have friends over to roast marshmallows under the stars with a warm bonfire lighting the way.
  4. Pool Lights – For night swimming and parties, pool lights add lots of fun. Colorful underwater fixtures will light up the water and make the pool the center of attention after dark.
  5. Garden Lights – Highlight your landscaping with garden lights that turn on automaticity at dusk. They make your flower beds and planting areas stand out beautifully in the evenings.
  6. Stair Lights – No one wants to tumble down the stairs due to lack of visibility. Make sure steps are well lit up so people can climb safely even after dark.
  7. Patio Lights – Cooking and eating on the patio is even better under the glow of lights. Hang fixtures or place lanterns and candles for warmth and illumination during back yard gatherings.
  8. Lanterns – Decorative lanterns add charm to any outdoor area. Place them along pathways, on porch rails or inside garden beds for a subtle glow. Their flickering flames provide a nice accent option.
  9. Mason Jar Lights – Homemade Mason jar lights filled with LED tea lights or floating candles make great DIY projects. Hang them throughout trees and bushes for an rustic lit-from-within effect.
  10. Solar Lights – Solar fixtures charge in daylight then turn on automatically at dusk without wires or plugs. Their easy setup and low maintenance make them very convenient for lighting gardens, walkways and more.

Install Outdoor Lighting In Your Backyard: Step-by-step

Install Outdoor Lighting In Your Backyard: Step-by-step
  1. Plan your lighting: Decide where you want lights installed like along pathways, near entrances or on your deck. Think about how many lights you need.
  2. Choose lights: Pick lights made for outdoor use. You can get spot lights, wall lights or string lights. Make sure lights are energy efficient LED lights.
  3. Get supplies: You’ll need lights, wire, outdoor electrical boxes and mounting hardware. Get supplies from home store. Bring your lights to make sure you get right fittings.
  4. Turn off power: Find your outdoor electrical box and turn off power to that circuit at the main electrical panel inside home. Always turn off power before working with electricity.
  5. Mount lights: Use screws and anchors to put lights in places like walls, trees or posts as per your plan. Install small electrical boxes if wiring lights to wall.
  6. Run wire: Run wire from each light to the nearest electrical box while following any local codes. Make sure no wire is laying on the ground where it can be stepped on.
  7. Connect wires: In the electrical box, connect light wires to power wires using wire connectors. One black to black, one white to white and ground to ground.
  8. Test lights: Turn power back on at the panel. Switch on each light one by one to check if it works. Replace any bulbs that don’t light up. Take a step back and admire your bright, beautiful new outdoor lighting in your backyard.

How Long Do Outdoor Light Bulbs Last?

The lifespan of outdoor light bulbs can vary depending on the type of bulb and how often you use them. Traditional incandescent bulbs typically last the shortest – around 6 months to 1 year when used daily. Halogen bulbs last a little longer at 1-2 years. LED bulbs are by far the longest lasting option for outdoor lights.

Good quality LED bulbs can shine brightly for around 5 years or more before needing to be replaced, even with daily use. They are more energy efficient and less susceptible to damage from moisture and temperature changes outdoors. So if you want lights that will provide years of hassle-free illumination in your yard, LED bulbs are definitely the way to go.

How Do You Illuminate A Backyard?

When lighting your backyard, first imagine the overall look you want. Choose focal areas like trees, the entrance, seating or water features that need illumination. Draw a plan showing where each light will go.

Discuss your ideas with an electrician as outlets, switches and waterproof wiring installed safely will be required for power unless using solar lights. LED options provide energy-efficient lighting but consider your needs as solar works best in sunny weather, not winter. Avoid too much brightness as harsh light lacks ambience.

How Can I Light My Backyard Without Electricity?

How Can I Light My Backyard Without Electricity?

Backyard lighting has advanced with improved LEDs. As energy efficient and safe choices without cables or power supplies, LEDs are ideal. Warm white bulbs can clip to fences or pergolas, extending evening use and creating intimacy.

Interconnecting sets easily light larger areas. Solar lights work well for paths but lack winter performance. Battery-powered flameless candles and real candles add atmosphere. A variety of quality LEDs suited to backyard lighting ideas now provide years of maintenance-free use.


How many lights do I need for my backyard?

The number of lights needed for your backyard depends on the size of the area but a general guideline is to install one light for every 100-200 square feet. Bigger backyards may require spacing lights closer while smaller spaces can be sufficiently lit with lights further apart.

What type of light is best for illuminating a backyard?

LED outdoor string lights make an excellent choice for lighting up a backyard. They are energy efficient, coming in long strands that can be draped over trees, bushes or fences to cast a warm, ambient glow across the entire yard. Being low-voltage, string lights are also safe and easy to install.

How many lumens do I need for my backyard light?

The amount of light an outdoor fixture provides is measured in lumens. A porch light needs 800-1000 lumens while a floodlight requires 2000-3000 lumens to illuminate a larger area. Small pathway lights each producing 100-200 lumens sufficiently light up walkways.

Final Thoughts

What Light Is Best For My Backyard? Lighting your backyard allows you to enjoy it even after dark. Lights let you spend more time outside with family and friends. They also provide safety and security. When choosing lights, consider where you’ll install them and what effect you want. String lights wrapped around trees are beautiful and ambient.

Floodlights near the house can illuminate a large area brightly. Pathway lights will guide you safely. LED bulbs are most durable and last many years with daily use. Don’t forget practical lights too by doors and for activities. Try different types to suit your yard and needs. Properly installed lights will help you enjoy your outdoor space for hours more each night.

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