Orangetheory lift 45: All You Need to Know

Orangetheory Fitness now offers a new class called Lift 45. It’s a 45-minute workout that focuses on making your muscles stronger. This class is different from their usual Orange 60 sessions because it’s all about lifting weights and doing exercises on the floor.

Lift 45 is great for people who want to build more muscle. It’s a shorter class but still gives you a good workout.

In this article, we’ll talk about why Lift 45 is beneficial, what kinds of exercises you’ll do, when you can take the class, and how to sign up for it at Orangetheory Fitness.

Key Takeaways

Orangetheory Lift 45 is a workout that lasts for 45 minutes. It’s all about getting stronger by lifting weights and doing exercises on the floor.

This class is a good addition to the Orange 60 classes because it helps you get a full-body workout.

In Lift 45, you’ll use different gym stuff like dumbbells, TRX straps, and medicine balls.

It’s great for your muscles, burns calories, and helps reduce belly fat. Plus, it’s good for your heart.

Each week, there are different workouts that focus on different muscles, so you get a full-body workout.

You can sign up for Lift 45 using the Orangetheory app. If you’re already a member, you don’t have to pay extra unless you’ve already used up your monthly classes.

It’s good for everyone, no matter how fit you are. You can learn how to lift weights properly.

Doing Lift 45 along with regular Orangetheory classes is a good way to keep your body fit because you’ll get both cardio and strength training.

What Does an Orangetheory Lift 45 Workout Look Like?

Orangetheory Lift 45 classes are set up to give you a great workout for your whole body that’s both effective and fun. Each week, we switch between three different plans that mix up exercises for your upper and lower body.

This mix keeps things interesting and makes sure you’re working out all your muscles every week.

In a typical Lift 45 class, here’s what you can expect:

– We start with a 5-minute warm-up that includes stretching, core exercises, and a bit of cardio to get your heart pumping.

– Then, we do four sets of exercises, taking turns between working out your upper and lower body, with breaks in between.

– Next, we finish off with a challenge to really push yourself and end the workout feeling strong.

– Finally, we cool down with some simple stretches for your arms and legs to help your body recover.

The Lift 45 classes follow three different plans:

1. Total Body 1

2. Total Body 2

3. Total Body 3

Lift 45 Total Body 1 Template

Sure! Here’s a simplified version:

Warm-up (6 minutes):

Do some easy exercises to get your body ready.

Floor Block 1 (5.5 minutes):

Do 10 bicep curls, then 10 low rows, and finally, keep pulling until you can’t anymore.

Rower Block 1 (5.5 minutes):

Do 5 weighted squats on each side, then 5 side lunges on each side, and keep squatting fast until you’re tired.

Floor Block 2 (5.5 minutes):

Do 10 triceps kickbacks, then 10 bench chest flies, and finish with tricep push-ups until you’re tired.

Rower Block 2 (5.5 minutes):

Do 5 chest presses while holding your body in a hollow position, then 10 palms to elbows, and hold a high plank until you’re tired.

Cool Down:

Stretch your arms and shoulders by pulling your arm across your body. Then stretch your legs with some basic stretches like the quad stretch and lunges.

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Lift 45 Total Body 2 Template

Total Body 2 is a workout plan used in Orangetheory Lift 45 classes. It’s about exercising your whole body, including upper and lower parts, with different moves to make your muscles stronger. Here’s a simple workout you might do in a Lift 45 Total Body 2 class:

Warm-up – 6 mins:

First, you warm up your body for the workout. This helps get your muscles ready and reduces the chance of getting hurt. You might do stretches and light exercises to get your heart pumping.

Block 1 – 7 mins:

In this part, you focus on your upper body with two exercises:

1. Single Arm Chest Press: Lie down and push a weight up with one arm, then lower it back down.

2. Power Push-Up: Do push-ups where you push off the ground with force.

Block 2 – 7 mins:

Now, it’s time for lower body exercises:

1. Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunge: Step back into a lunge while holding a weight close to your chest.

2. Alternating Jump Lunge: Jump while switching legs during lunges.

Block 3 – 6 mins:

Here, you work your back and core:

1. Bird Dog Low Row: Get on your hands and knees, and pull a weight up with one hand while extending the opposite leg.

2. TRX Low Row (Explosive Tempo): Use straps to pull yourself up quickly and lower slowly.

Block 4 – 6 mins:

This block focuses on the lower back and hips:

1. Suitcase Deadlift: Lift a weight from the ground by standing up straight.

2. Hip Hinge Swing: Swing a weight between your legs and then up to shoulder height.

Finisher – 2.75 mins (3 rounds):

Finally, you do a quick and intense set to push yourself:

1. Weighted Squat: Squat with a weight for 30 seconds.

2. Jump Squat: Jump up from a squat position for 15 seconds.

Rest for 15 seconds between each round.

Lift 45 Total Body 3 Template

Total Body 3 is another plan used in Orangetheory Lift 45 classes. It gives you different exercises to work your whole body. Here’s an example workout:

First, warm up:

1. Jog in place: Run lightly without moving.

2. Plank Pushup Walk Out: Start in a plank, then walk your hands out and back.

3. Alternating Runner’s Lunge with Alt Arm Reach: Step forward and reach your arms.

4. Good Morning with Arm Reach: Bend at your hips and reach forward.

5. Walking Downward Dog: Lift your hips up from a plank.

6. 3 High Knees Switch: Lift your knees quickly.

Row Side Block 1:

1. Single Weight Deadlift (Right Side): Stand on one leg and lower a weight.

2. Single Weight Deadlift (Left Side): Same as above on the other side.

3. Plank Shoulder Taps: Get into a plank and touch your shoulders.

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat this 3 times.

Row Side Block 2:

1. Right Side Bench Step Up: Step up onto a bench.

2. Left Side Bench Step Up: Do the same on the other side.

3. TRX Bicep Curls: Use straps or bands to work your biceps.

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat this 3 times.

Floor Side Block 1:

1. Miniband Hip Raises: Lie on your back and lift your hips with a band.

2. Miniband Toe Reach: Lift your legs and reach towards your toes.

Rest for 20 seconds and repeat this 4 times.

Floor Side Block 2:

1. Split Stance High Row (Right Side): Pull a weight up towards your chest.

2. Split Stance High Row (Left Side): Same as above on the other side.

3. Lateral Bench Hops: Hop sideways over a bench.

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat this 3 times.

Finisher (All Sides):

1. Right Side Lunge Pulse: Lunge to the side and pulse.

2. Left Side Lunge Pulse: Do the same on the other side.

3. Bodyweight Pulsing Squats: Do small up and down movements.

Rest for 10 seconds between exercises and repeat this 2 times.

Comparison: Orangetheory Lift 45 Total Body 1 vs. Total Body 2

The big difference between Lift Total Body 1 and Total Body 2 is the exercises they do. They’re alike in many ways and both give you a good workout for your whole body, but they might have different exercises to keep things interesting and work different muscles.

Each class is meant to make you stronger, give you more stamina, and make you fitter. It’s a 45-minute session that’s effective and doesn’t waste time.

You can pick which class you want to go to depending on what you like and what you want to achieve. Either way, you’ll get a good workout no matter which class you choose.

Similarities Between Lift 45 Total Body 1 and Total Body 2

Both classes are part of the Orangetheory Lift 45 program. This program focuses on 45-minute workouts to make your muscles stronger.

In each class, you’ll start with a warm-up. This gets your body ready for exercise and helps prevent injuries.

During both classes, you’ll do different exercises that target various muscle groups. This helps make you stronger.

The goal of both classes is to make you stronger, help your endurance, and boost your power.

In both classes, you’ll use different equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells, TRX straps, and resistance bands. This gives you a good workout.

At the end of both classes, there are finishers. These are tough challenges that push you to your limits. After that, you’ll cool down and stretch.

Benefits of Orangetheory Lift 45

Lift 45 is for people at Orangetheory who want to get stronger. The Orange 60 classes are popular because they mix cardio and strength training. But Lift 45 is all about getting stronger muscles. Here are some good things about Lift 45:

1. Makes Muscles Strong: Lift 45 helps muscles grow and stay strong. This is important for staying healthy and fit.

2. Gets You Stronger: Doing Lift 45 regularly can make you stronger and better at physical activities every day.

3. Burns Calories Well: Lift 45 may not be as intense for the heart as Orange 60, but it still helps burn calories and keeps your fitness routine balanced.

4. Reduces Belly Fat: Doing Lift 45 can help reduce fat around the belly and make your body look better.

5. Helps Move Better: Lift 45 exercises help you move more easily and be more flexible, which is good for staying fit.

6. Makes You Feel Good: Reaching your strength and fitness goals with Lift 45 can make you feel more confident and better about yourself.

7. Strengthens Bones and Joints: Lifting weights helps make bones and joints stronger, which lowers the chances of problems like osteoporosis.

8. Lowers Injury Risk: Doing Lift 45 exercises the right way makes you more stable and less likely to get hurt in everyday life.

9. Good for the Heart: Even though it’s not focused on cardio, Lift 45 can still help keep your heart healthy and lower the risk of heart problems.

When are Lift 45 Classes at Orangetheory

We have new Lift 45 classes along with the regular Orange 60 ones. Lift 45 focuses on strength while Orange 60 is more about cardio. You can pick which one suits you.

On weekdays, Lift 45 classes happen during the day, but the times may differ at each studio.

If you’re busy during the day, you can go for weekend classes. They’re in the evenings after all the daytime sessions.

Lots of members like to do an Orange 60 class first, then follow it up with a Lift 45 class on weekends. It gives them a good mix of workouts.

How to Book a Lift 45 Class at OTF

Booking a Lift 45 class at Orangetheory is just like booking any other class using the Orangetheory app.

You don’t have to pay extra for Lift 45 classes. Just use your regular membership to book these strength training sessions.

Once you’ve booked, you’ll get a workout that targets your whole body. It might focus on your arms, legs, or both, depending on what’s planned for the week.


Are you completing 12 splat points in Lift 45 classes? Is that the goal?

In Lift 45, the aim isn’t to get a certain amount of splat points. Instead, we mainly concentrate on doing exercises and lifting correctly, rather than hitting particular heart rate zones.

Does the class focus on gaining splat points or do we have to wear our monitors?

In Lift 45, we don’t worry much about getting splat points. Instead, coaches want you to focus on doing exercises correctly and lifting heavier weights. You can wear heart rate monitors if you want, but what’s important is doing each rep well and getting stronger.

Is it recommended to do Lift 45 and a regular class on the same day?

Sure thing! Yes! Doing Lift 45 together with a normal class can give you an extra challenge and a chance to exercise different muscles.

Who should take Lift 45 classes?

“Lift 45 classes work for everyone, no matter your fitness level. They help you get stronger, but if you want to use fancy equipment for weightlifting, you might prefer a different gym.”


Orangetheory Lift 45 gives you a special and good way to add strength exercises to your workouts. It concentrates on weightlifting and floor exercises to make your muscles stronger, boost your metabolism, and make you fitter overall.

When you do Lift 45 along with regular Orangetheory classes, you get a complete and balanced fitness routine.

No matter if you’re just starting out or you’ve been working out for a while, Lift 45 can be a great part of your exercise plan.

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