How Long Does It Take To Walk 5 Miles By Age And Pace?

Walking 5 miles is a significant feat that offers immense health benefits. The time it takes to complete this walking distance depends on several key factors.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how elements like age, pacing, terrain, treadmill settings, and individual fitness levels impact the duration for finishing a 5 mile walking routine.

Determining the Distance of 5 Miles

Before calculating how long it takes, let’s understand the actual distance of 5 miles first.

  • 5 miles equals 8.05 kilometers or 8,050 meters.
  • It’s approximately 4.35 nautical miles.
  • When converted to imperial units, 5 miles is:
    • 8,800 yards
    • 26,400 feet
    • 316,800 inches

So when we talk about walking 5 miles, we’re covering quite a substantial distance!

Estimating Steps for 5 Miles

Depending on your brisk walking stride length, walking 5 miles involves anywhere from 10,000 to 12,500 steps total. With average human strides measuring around 2 to 2.5 feet, that translates to nearly 2,000 to 2,500 steps per mile.

Conversion Chart: 5 Miles to Other Units

Kilometers8.05 km
Meters8,050 meters
Yards8,800 yards
Feet26,400 feet
Inches316,800 inches
Nautical Miles4.35 nautical miles
Read More Post: How Long Does It Take to Walk 3 Miles by Age and Pace?

Factors Impacting 5 Mile Walk Times

Factors Impacting 5 Mile Walk Times

The time it takes to walk 5 miles varies substantially based on:

  • Age: Older adults tend to have a slower pace.
  • Gender: Men generally walk faster than women.
  • Fitness Level and Body Composition: Those with higher cardio endurance and lower BMI can maintain a brisk walking speed.
  • Terrain/Elevation: Hilly and difficult terrain significantly increases duration.
  • Walking Pace: Opting for a leisurely stroll equals a longer time vs. power walking.
  • Rest Breaks: Taking intermittent breaks prolongs the total duration.

Now let’s analyze how long it would approximately take to walk 5 miles based on age and selected pace.

Duration to Walk 5 Miles By Age and Pace

Age GroupSlow Pace (2.5 mph)Moderate Pace (3.5 mph)Brisk Pace (4 mph)
20s2 – 2.5 hours1.4 – 1.7 hours1.1 – 1.3 hours
30s2 – 2.5 hours1.4 – 1.7 hours1.1 – 1.3 hours
40s2 – 2.5 hours1.4 – 1.7 hours1.1 – 1.3 hours
50s2 – 2.5 hours1.4 – 1.7 hours1.1 – 1.3 hours
60s+2 – 2.5 hours1.4 – 1.7 hours1.1 – 1.3 hours

These 5 mile walk time estimates account for reduced mobility among older adults. Individualscardiovascular fitness can vary significantly within age groups.

How Terrain Impacts 5 Mile Walk Times

The elevation profile and terrain difficulty adds extra time too:

  • Flat Surface: 1.5 – 2 hours
  • Hilly Terrain: 2 – 2.5 hours
  • Uphill Climb: 2.5 – 3 hours

Inclines require more effort, forcing you to slow down your walking pace.

Treadmill 5 Mile Walk Times

Treadmill settings allow control over your walking speed. At different paces, the duration differs significantly:

  • 3 mph Pace: 1.67 hours
  • 4 mph Pace: 1.25 hours
  • 5 mph Pace: 1 hour

So at a moderate 3 to 4 mph speed, 5 miles takes about 1.25 to 1.7 hours on a treadmill.

Calories Burned on a 5 Mile Walk

A 150 pound person walking 5 miles at a moderate 3 mph pace can burn around 350 calories. Those variables significantly influence energy expenditure:

  • Weight: The heavier you are, the more calories burned.
  • Walking Pace: A brisk 4 mph pace boosts calorie burn versus a light stroll.
  • Terrain: Adding hills or inclines ups the intensity.

You can expect to burn 300 to 700 calories during a 5 mile walk depending on your weight, pace and terrain.

Health Benefits of Walking 5 Miles Daily

Forming a daily walking routine with 5 miles provides tremendous fitness and health gains like:

  • Cardiovascular Health: It keeps your heart strong and reduces the risk of various chronic diseases.
  • Weight Loss Aid: Walking 5 miles daily supports fat loss and weight management when combined with a sound diet.
  • Reduced Disease Risks: The activity has been linked to lower rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancers and osteoporosis.
  • Improved Mental Health: Aerobic activity releases feel-good hormones, boosting mood and ability to cope with stress.

Tips to Start a 5 Mile Walking Routine

Tips to Start a 5 Mile Walking Routine

Begin your new walking workout plan gradually before working towards 5 mile distance goals:

  • Start slow with 1-2 miles and increase weekly.
  • Invest in proper walking shoes and comfortable athletic clothing.
  • Bring water and hydration is vital, especially on longer walks.
  • Take intermittent breaks as needed – no shame in walking and resting for overall fitness benefits over time.
  • Integrate 5 mile walks into your lifestyle and schedule.
  • Walking with a partner can boost adherence and make it more enjoyable.

Combining those strategies makes easing into a consistent 5 mile walking pace realistic and sustainable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to walk faster for a shorter duration or keep a slower moderate pace for longer? 

For cardiovascular and fat burning benefits, a relatively brisk walking pace for a longer duration is ideal. But balance your intensity so it’s sustainable.

Can I break up the 5 miles into separate walks during the day? 

Absolutely. Achieving 10,000 daily steps is recommended for health. Splitting a long 5 mile distance into smaller morning/afternoon/evening walks still provides health and weight loss perks.

Final Words

Walking 5 miles in a day is an ambitious but rewarding feat. Depending on variables like your age, selected pace, terrain difficulty, treadmill settings, fitness level and more, it can take between 1 to 3 hours to complete.

While the duration seems daunting, regular 5 mile walks leverages walking’s vast benefits ranging from cardiovascular improvements to mental health boosts.

Pace yourself appropriately as you work towards distance goals and remember to tailor your walking routine based on individual capabilities and preferences.

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