How Long Do Led Lights Last?

LED lights are energy-efficient lighting devices that utilise light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce illumination. They are known for their long lifespan, durability, and low energy consumption. LED lights come in various forms, including bulbs, integrated fixtures, and modular units.

These lights are widely used in residential, commercial, and industrial settings for general lighting, accent lighting, and specialised applications. Their compact size and versatility make them suitable for diverse lighting needs, from household lamps to streetlights and automotive lighting. 

LED bulbs

LED bulbs

LED bulbs offer longer lifespans compared to traditional halogen lamps, typically lasting around 20,000 to 25,000 hours. Their lifespan can be affected by factors like heat buildup and frequent switching. 

Despite these limitations, LED bulbs are increasingly replacing halogen lamps due to their energy efficiency and durability. With advancements in technology, LED bulbs continue to improve, offering consumers a reliable and long-lasting lighting solution for various applications.

Integrated LED

Integrated LED

Integrated LED lighting, found in fixtures, boasts an impressive lifespan of 40,000 to 50,000 hours on average. Unlike traditional bulbs, when an integrated LED stops functioning, the entire fixture requires replacement. 

The external power supply in integrated LEDs enhances electronic quality, allowing for easy replacement if needed without discarding the LED itself. This longevity makes integrated LEDs a popular choice for long-term lighting solutions, particularly in commercial and industrial settings where durability and efficiency are paramount.

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LED modules

LED modules

LED modules are versatile lighting components that offer enhanced durability and efficiency. These modules can be directly connected to a power supply, eliminating the need for sockets and simplifying installation. With an average lifespan of 40,000 to 50,000 hours, LED modules provide long-lasting illumination for various applications. 

While they may pose challenges for use in uniquely shaped luminaires, specialized fixtures like ClickFit spotlights are designed to accommodate them seamlessly, ensuring reliable performance and easy maintenance.

In practice

In practical terms, LED lighting offers longevity tailored to various settings. For instance, in a bustling shop with daily illumination for 9 hours, LED bulbs can shine reliably for nearly 9 years. Similarly, offices benefit from LED’s endurance, lasting up to a decade with daily use for 10 hours. 

In residential spaces like living rooms, where lights typically illuminate evenings for around 3 hours, LED longevity stretches to nearly 24 years. Even in less frequently used areas like bathrooms, where lights are on for just an hour per day, LED lighting can potentially endure for over 70 years. These examples underscore the remarkable lifespan and versatility of LED technology in everyday environments.

Final Thought

LED lights typically last between 20,000 to 50,000 hours, depending on their type and usage. Integrated LED options embedded within luminaires boast the longest lifespan, while LED bulbs and modules offer varying degrees of durability. Factors such as heat buildup and frequent switching can affect longevity. Despite variations, LED lighting stands out for its efficiency and extended lifespan compared to traditional options.

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